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 Indice > Dialoghi Interconfessionali > B-RC
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Commission on Baptist Doctrine and
Interchurch Cooperation of the Baptist World Alliance

« www.bwanet.org »

Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity formerly
Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity

« www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/chrstuni »

FIRST SERIES (1984-1988)

  1. July 18-21, 1984 - West Berlin, Germany
    "Evangelism/Evangelization: The Mission of the Church"
  2. June 24-30, 1985 - Los Angeles, California, USA
    "Christology and Conversion; Discipleship: Aspects of Witness to Christ"
  3. June 2-7, 1986 - New York City, New York, USA
    "The Church as Koinonia of the Spirit"
  4. July 13-18, 1987 - Rome, Italy
    "Ways of Improving Common Christian Witness; Proselytism and Restrictions on Religious Freedom"
  5. July 18-23, 1988 - Norcross (Atlanta), Georgia, USA
    "Work on the Final Report" - FINAL REPORT: Summons to Witness to Christ in Today's World
CO-MODERATORS: Dr. David T. Shannon, Atlanta, George (USA) Baptist
Most Rev. Bede Heather, Bishop of Parramatta, (Australia) RC

CO-SECRETARIES: Mr. Glenn A. Igleheart, Baptist Convention of New York (USA)
Msgr. Basil Meeking, Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity (Vatican City) RC for 1984
Msgr. John A. Radano, Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity (Vatican City) RC for 1985-1988

SECOND SERIES (2006-2010)

"The Word of God in the Life of the Church:
Scripture, Tradition and Koinonia"



  1. December 3-4, 2000 - Rome, Italy
    "Historical and Contemporary Issues Confronting Us"
  2. December 6-7, 2001 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
    "Theological Issues between Baptists and Catholics in Latin America; Notion of ‘Communio' as a Framework for Conversations on Controversial Issues"

  1. December 10-15, 2006 - Birmingham, Alabama, USA
    “The Authority of Christ in Scripture and Tradition; The Word of God: God’s Self-communication in the Koinonia of the Trinity and the Church; Scripture and Tradition: An Evangelical Baptist Perspective; Relation of Scripture and Tradition: Catholic Discernment of the Authentic Tradition; Scripture in the Life of the Baptist Churches: Opportunities for a Differentiated Catholic-Baptist Consensus; The Use of Sacred Scripture in the Church”
  2. December 3-7, 2007 - Rome, Italy
    “Baptism and the Lord’s Supper/Eucharist as Visible Word of God in the Koinonia of the Church; ‘With Equal Feelings of Devotion and Reverence’: Trent and Vatican II on Catholic Attitudes towards Scripture and Tradition; Dei Verbum §9 in Baptist Perspective; Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Tradition; Sacraments-Sacramentality: The ‘Crux’ of Doctrinal Disagreement in the Ecumenical Dialogue; Baptism and Initiation: A Baptist Contribution”

CO-MODERATORS: Dr. Paul Fiddes, Oxford, (England) Baptist
Most Rev. Arthur Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson,
New Jersey (USA) RC

CO-SECRETARIES: Msgr. John A. Radano, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (Vatican City) RC (2006-2008)

Rev. Gregory J. Fairbanks, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (Vatican City) RC (2008- )


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