It has been recognized from the beginning of our dialogue that among
the "more solid grounds for affinity" between our two traditions
the first was "the central place held in both traditions by the
ideal of personal sanctification, growth in holiness through daily
life in Christ"9.
This recognition was not voiced in any exclusive or pharisaical
spirit, but simply as a fruit of our emergence from a long period
of comparative estrangement. Hence section III of the Denver Report10
was based in the first place on the work of a sub-commission done
in accordance with a careful brief given by the joint Commission
as a whole11.
Two or three points may be re-emphasized about this, perhaps the
most mature section of the Denver Report:
a) It recognized
the need for both an historical and a contemporary treatment,
the one complementing the other.
b) It was not seen as unconnected with the preceding section on
"Christianity and the Contemporary World", or even as merely complementing
it, but as being interwoven with it.
c) It frankly recognized certain lacunae and certain obstacles
in our discovered affinity12.
d) It offered its own set of practical suggestions13.
It might be argued that the very first fruit of this practical-minded
section was the address given by Cardinal Willebrands at Denver
and so generously received there14
It was a development of the theme of our shared tradition of concern
for holiness which must find a leading place in any bibliography
of this dialogue, and its influence on the second phase of our conversations
is undoubted.
It may at first sight seem disappointing that in the present report
we have no substantial addition of our own to offer to what was
presented and said at Denver, but must rather point to several examples
of work in progress. But the aim of Denver's words was not simply
to provoke more words, nor to boil down everything to committee
language; the program offered at Denver - and it was offered not
simply to the renewed Commission but to the two world-wide communities
- was an exploratory program aimed at mutual enrichment. Spiritual
richness like any other, lies partly in variety, and we were reminded
at our Venice meeting that in the Catholic Church, however "monolithic"
it may have seemed from some points of view, there is a long tradition
of rich variety in spirituality - sometimes given institutional
form in the various religious congregations, but as often manifesting
itself in Christian living at the heart of "the world". Nor did
Methodists repudiate the idea of such fruitful variety in their
own tradition.
Hence it is not surprising that, among the examples we have to report
of work in progress in this joint exploration there should be interesting
contrasts. Taking them in chronological order we begin with the
work of the Ecumenical Institute of Spirituality in America which,
based in Evanston, Illinois, brings Catholics (of various spiritual
families) into collaboration with Methodists and with some of other
traditions in spiritual dialogue and exploration.
The Institute organised in 1974 the "Wingspread" conference whose
specific aim was to examine the implications of section III of the
Denver Report, and the Commission was able to benefit directly from
the Institute's work when the Institute's Director of Protestant
Spirituality, the Methodist Dr. E. W. Gerdes, gave a paper at our
Venice meeting and did much to enliven our discussions. Here is
one form of collaboration, a continuing one.
Another form, and an important one, is represented by the paper,
"The Ordained Ministry," which deals with the question of holiness
and spirituality. Unfortunately the final draft arrived too late
to be considered by the Commission; it is published in Origins,
January 22, 1976, and we hope it will be widely read. It is the
joint work of the U.S. team appointed by the Catholic Bishops' Conference
and the United Methodist Church, a work which has been going on
since 1971. As the authors stress, their limiting of their theme
aims at a deepening, not a " clericalist" narrowing of our joint
concern with spirituality. The aim is achieved and it is to be hoped
that the title will not mislead anyone as to the scope and importance
of this very wise joint reflection, which not only contributes to
our study of growth in holiness but also enriches our shared ideal
of Ministry15
The paper seems to the Commission an outstanding example of the
kind of work it was charged by the Denver Report to promote.
A third form of collaboration, that of an individual and wide-ranging
mind from either side, in which a mutual sympathy clearly develops
and finds expression, is represented by a paper "Towards a Spirituality
for Today", which was commissioned from the Rev. Gordon Wakefield
and Fr. Emmanuel Sullivan, S.A. They describe their approach thus:
"We propose to take seriously the insistence of the Denver Report
that the contemporary situation be regarded and assessed and we
would like to lift the discussion out of the old entrenchments and
try to discover the essential characteristics of ecumenical spirituality
for our time. The questions are not so much ‘what have we in common-where
do we differ and what may we learn from each other'? as ‘what kind
of Christian does God want us to be'"? Their discussion of contemporary
trends takes place against a background of theology.
This paper would have suffered especially from being drained of
blood by the clumsy surgery characteristic of committees, and we
hope that it will be published so that it also may be wildly read.
More perhaps than any others, the papers discussed in this section
suggest that justice to our dialogue and to our collaborators demands
re-addressing our attention to the suggestion made in the Denver
Report, Para. 121, "provided the status of papers be clearly established
(working papers e.g.) they might be circulated among responsible
and qualified people, and summaries made of them might be incorporated
in reports."
Ibid., §§ 6-7, p. 41.
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Ibid., §§ 51-68, pp. 49-53.
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Cf. ibid., § 51, p. 49.
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Ibid., §§ 62-7, pp. 52-3.
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Ibid., § 68, p. 53.
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Ibid., pp. 266-76.
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Cf. infra, §§ 76-105.
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