Index > Interconfessional Dialogues > OO-RC > Report
"The History of the "filioque" Controversy; Biblical, Theological and Patristic Aspects of the Procession of the Holy Spirit; The Addition of the Formula "Filioque" to the Text of the Nicean-Constantinopolitan Creed"


    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, Amen.

    The International Joint Commission between the Catholic Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church held its regular study meeting from April 23rd to 27th, 1990 in the Monastery of St. Bishoy. The main theme of discussion was the procession of the Holy Spirit and the controversy over the "Filioque" in the text of the Creed.

    His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, after welcoming the members of the commission, presented a general view of the subject and indicated the points which His Holiness felt needed discussion and solution.

    Papers were presented to consider both Churches' views concerning (1) the history of the "Filioque" Controversy; (2) Biblical, Theological and Patristic Aspects of the procession of the Holy Spirit, and (3) the addition of the formula "Filioque — and the Son" to the text of the Nicean-Constantinopolitan Creed.

    The work of this meeting of the commission was primarily concerned with clarifying each side's understanding of the other's positions. For the Coptic Orthodox Church the "Filioque" should not be in the Creed or in the Liturgy or in the theological teaching for doctrinal and canonical reasons. The Catholic Church believes that this addition is admissible for both reasons. There was a full discussion of the terminology used by both Churches and the principal official declarations made by the Catholic Church in this matter.

    While each side expressed and clarified what its Church considers to be its own authentic belief, it is the unanimous conviction of the members of the Commission that further studies must be made in each of the three areas mentioned above. These studies will be prepared for distribution and reflexion before the next meeting of the Commission, scheduled for April 15th to 19th, 1991.

    The intensive work of the commission could not have been carried out without the prayers and fraternal concern of many people at the Monastery of St. Bishoy. Strongly encouraged by His Holiness, Pope Shenouda, the bishops, monks and staff, clerical and lay, showed a spirit of Christian love and dedication which impressed those coming from outside and helped inspire the members of the commission in their search for that light and strength of the Holy Spirit which will lead both Churches to the fullness of communion in faith and love.

April 27, 1990

Members of the Commission

    Coptic Orthodox Members

His Grace Amba Bishoi
Bishop of Damiet
General Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church
Amba Rueiss Building - Ramses Street
Cairo, Egypt, Co-Chairman
His Grace Amba Athanasios
Bishop of Beni Suef and El Bahnesa
Coptic Bishopric
P.O.Box 30
Beni Suef, Egypt
His Grace Amba Athanasios
Bishop of Beni Suef and El Bahnesa
Coptic Bishopric
P.O.Box 30
Beni Suef, Egypt
His Grace Amba Benjamin
Bishop of Menoufeya (Middle Delta)
Coptic Bishopric
P.O. Box 130
Chebine Al Kom, Egypt
His Grace Amba Moussa
Bishop for Youth, Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate
Amba Rueiss Building - Ramses Street
Cairo, Egypt, Co-Secretary
His Grace Amba Petros
General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate
Amba Rueiss Building - Ramses Street
Cairo, Egypt
His Grace Amba Abraam
Bishop of Fayourn
Coptic Bishopric
P.O. Box 85
Fayourn, Egypt
Rev. Father Tadros Malaty
22 Abd-el-Hamid
El-Abady Street
Alexandria, Egypt
Dr. Emile Maher Ishak
Coptic Orthodox Theological Faculty
Amba Rueiss Building - Ramses Street
Cairo, Egypt

    Catholic Members

His Excellency Monsignor Pierre Duprey
Secretary, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
I-00120 Vatican City, Co-Chairman
His Excellency Monsignor Antonios Naguib
Coptic Catholic Bishop of Minia
P.O. Box 32
Minia, Egypt
and his proxy:
Rev. Father Iskander Iskander
Rector, Coptic Catholic Mission in France
1, Cité du Sacré Coeur
F-75018 Paris, France
His Excellency Monsignor Athanasios Abadir
Coptic Catholic Bishop of Ismailia
P.O. Box 127
96, El-Gueish Street
Ismailia, Egypt
His Excellency Monsignor Hanna Golta
Auxiliary Bishop to the Coptic Catholic Patriarchate
Ahmad-Helmi Street
Kenisset Essegoud
Cairo-Shoubra, Egypt
Rev. Father Emmanuel Lanne, osb
Monastère bénédictin de la Sainte-Croix
B-5395 Chevetogne, Belgium
Rev. Father Prof. André De Halleux, ofm
Prosper-Poulletlaan, 5/410
B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Rev. Father Prof. John F. Long, sj
Vice-Rector, Pontificio Istituto Orientale
Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore, 7
I-00185 Roma, Italy
Rev. Father Maurice Martin, sj
Collège de la Sainte Famille
Cairo, Egypt
Lawyer Amin Fahim
Chairman-Director, Upper-Egypt Christian Association for Schools and Social Promotion
85, Ramsen Street
Cairo, Egypt
Monsignor Gérard Daucourt
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
I-00120 Vatican City, Italy, Co-Secretary

(Information Service 73 (1990/II) 36-37)


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