
Indice > Dialoghi Interconfessionali > PE-RC > Final Report | CONTENTS
On Becoming a Christian: Insights from Scripture and the Patristic Writings
With some contemporary reflections


On Becoming a Christian:
Insights from Scripture and the Patristic Writings
With some Contemporary Reflections

Report of the Fifth Phase of the International
Dialogue Between Some Classical Pentecostal
Churches and Leaders and the Catholic Church


The Status of this Report

The Report published here is the work of the Catholic/Pentecostal International Dialogue between the Catholic Church and some Classical Pentecostal Churches and Leaders. It is a study document produced by the Dialogue members. It is not an authoritative declaration of either the Catholic Church or of any of the Pentecostal Churches involved in the Dialogue. It is offered to them, and to all who are interested, for reflection. The Dialogue members hope that it will be widely discussed.



A. On Becoming a Christian

B. Biblical and Patristic Sources

C. The Dialogue

D. A New Time in History: New Signs of Hope

I. Conversion and Christian Initiation

A. Introduction

B. Biblical Perspectives On Conversion

C. Patristic Perspectives On Conversion

D. Contemporary Reflections on Conversion

II. Faith and Christian Initiation

A. Introduction

B. New Testament Perspectives on Faith and Christian Initiation

C. Patristic Perspectives on Faith and Christian Initiation

D. Contemporary Reflections on Faith and Christian Initiation

III. Christian Formation And Discipleship

A. Introduction
B. Biblical Perspectives on Christian Formation and Discipleship
C. Patristic Perspectives on Christian Formation and Discipleship
1. Diverse Ways of Following Christ

2. The Holy Spirit and Discipleship

3. Christian Formation in Catechesis and Catechumenate

a. Catechesis: Educating in the Faith

b. Catechumenate: Bringing Candidates into Full Communion in the Church

D. Contemporary Reflections on Christian Formation and Discipleship

IV. Experience in Christian Life

A. Introduction
B. Biblical Perspectives on Experience in the Christian Life
C. Patristic Perspectives on Experience in the Christian Life
D. Contemporary Reflections on Experience in the Christian Life
1. The Role of Experience in Becoming a Christian

a. A Pentecostal Perspective

b. A Catholic Perspective

2. Experiencing Christian Life in Community

a. A Pentecostal Perspective

b. A Catholic Perspective

3. Convergences and Challenges Regarding Experience in the Christian Life

V. Baptism in The Holy Spirit and Christian Initiation

A. Introduction
1. Why Reflect on Baptism in the Holy Spirit

2. Earlier Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue on Baptism in the Holy Spirit

B. Biblical Perspectives on Baptism in the Holy Spirit

C. Patristic Perspectives on Baptism in the Holy Spirit

D. Contemporary Reflections on Baptism in the Holy Spirit

1. A Catholic Perspective

a. Some Doctrinal Observations

b. The Birth of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal

c. Two Schools of Theological Interpretation

2. A Pentecostal Perspective

a. Pentecostals and the Reception of the Holy Spirit

b. The Relationship of Baptism in the Holy Spirit to Sanctification

c. Receiving Baptism in the Holy Spirit

d. Evidence of Baptism in the Holy Spirit

e. The Relationship between Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the charism of speaking in tongues

3. Convergences and Challenges

VI. Conclusion

A. Introduction

B. The Witness of the Bible

C. The Witness of the Fathers

D. What We Have Learned From Our Contemporary Reflections

E. Proposals for Future Dialogue

F. A Final Word

Appendix 1: Participants

Appendix 2: Papers



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