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Strasbourg, France - Further study on projected dialogue; establishment of Roman Catholic - Lutheran Working Group
San Anton, Malta - BERICHT - "Das Evangelium und die Kirche"
San Anton, Malta - "The Gospel and the Church - The Malta Report"
Sigtuna, Sweden - "Ordained ministry; episcopate; models of the Church; ways to communion" - "The Lord's Supper"
Augsburg, Germany - "All Under One Christ"
Augsburg, Germany - "Ways to Community"
Lantana, Florida (USA) - "The Ministry in the Church"
Württemberg, Germany - "Martin Luther - Witness to Jesus Christ"
Rome, Italy - "Facing Unity. Models, Forms and Phases of Catholic-Lutheran Church Fellowship"
Würzburg, Germany - "Church and Justification - Understanding the Church in the Light of the Doctrine of the Justification"
Dobogókö, Hungary - "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification"
Geneva, Switzerland - press conference presenting the "Official Common Statement and Annex" to the Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification